MSI Launches Valentine’s Bundle Giveaways for The Whole Month Of February

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For the whole month of February, MSI is helping you decide what gift to get for your significant other during the Valentine’s Bundle Giveaways promo. The company is offering exclusive freebies worth up to PHP 8,500 to celebrate Valentine’s.

A good start is by purchasing one of these laptops – Delta 15, Alpha 15/17, Katana GF Series, and Thin GF series which are then paired with bundled accessories and gaming peripherals that are ideal for your gaming couple setup.

MSI valentines

Moreover, you can support your significant other by getting them a laptop from MSI’s Creator Series. It comes with an external HDD and thumb drive for extra storage and file transfer, a mouse, and a porcelain cup.

Another options is a laptop from the Prestige or Modern series that is bundled with a wireless mouse to help them in their business or productivity.

“We’ve featured a wide range of laptops for this Valentine’s Day. It is our endeavor as an industry leader, to help gamers and creators excel. We want to give our customers high-caliber laptops designed for the ultimate gaming experience and exceptional laptop technology that provide solutions from content creation to business development.” 

Rhyan Sy, MSI Philippines’ Product Manager

MSi Vlentines Flyer
Laptop SeriesFree Bundle Detail
Delta 15AMD H991 Gaming Headset + AMD jacket + gaming mousepad
Alpha 15/17AMD H991 Gaming Headset + AMD jacket + gaming mousepad
Bravo 15MSI H991 Gaming Headset + gaming mousepad + Thermos Bottle (random color)
Katana GF SeriesMSI H991 Gaming Headset + gaming mousepad + Thermos Bottle (random color)
Thin GF SeriesGaming mouse + gaming mousepad
Creator SeriesSeagate 1TB external HDD + MSI Thumb Drive + porcelain cup + prestige mouse
Prestige SeriesPrestige mouse
Modern SeriesPrestige mouse

Make this Valentine’s day extra special with these MSI gifts. The promo will run from February 1 to 28, 2022 only. 

For more details about the promo and freebies, click here.

Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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