Ubisoft’s The Division Resurgence Will Launch This Fall

The Division Resurgence 2

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Ubisoft announced its launch window for Tom Clancy’s The Division Resurgence, a new free-to-play third-person RPG shooter mobile game set in a massive urban open world.  

The Division Resurgence brings the acclaimed Tom Clancy’s The Division AAA experience to handheld devices.

The Division Resurgence 

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Currently, players in select countries can participate in a Regional Test and play the game beginning Today until July 24. Selected countries include Australia, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Spain, and Sweden. 

Players in these areas can register for a chance to participate in this Regional Beta on the Google Play Store on Android devices or the App Store on iOS devices (available at a later date in the Philippines)

In addition, mobile players who have participated in previous tests, regardless of region, will also have the chance to play The Division Resurgence during the Regional Beta.

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The Regional Beta of the mobile 3rd person shooter game will include new content, including more main missions, activities, and a new agent specialization. 

Players are encouraged to share their feedback with the development team through an in-game survey and bug report tools, as well as on the game’s official Discord server.

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Moreover, pre-registrations are also opened for players from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Indonesia through our publishing partner Level Infinite on the Google Play Store on Android devices. Pre-registrations on the App Store on iOS devices will open at a later date.

The Division Resurgence will launch for Android and iOS devices this Fall 2023. Android and iOS players who pre-register now will receive unique in-game rewards at launch. 

For more details regarding Tom Clancy’s The Division Resurgence, visit the official website.

Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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