Backbone One – PlayStation Edition Mobile Controller Introduced for iPhone Users

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Sony and Backbone have just introduced the Backbone One – PlayStation Edition mobile controller for iPhone users.

Backbone One - PlayStation Edition - 1

As the name suggests, the PlayStation Edition of the Backbone one is inspired by the design of the PS5’s DualSense wireless controller including its transparent face buttons and floating appearance.


It feels right at home with the other products in the PS5 family like the Pulse 3D headset which you can connect directly to the wireless controller.

Backbone One - PlayStation Edition - remote play - 2

The wireless controller can be used to play your PS4 or PS5 games via the PS Remote Play app. Additionally, it can be used for mobile games that support controllers like Genshin Impact, Call of Duty: Mobile, and Fantasian to name a few.


You can also download the Backbone App for a customized PlayStation experience. You can check out custom glyphs representing the PlayStation shapes and the ability to browse game titles.

Backbone One - PlayStation Edition - PS Remote Play

The Backbone One – PlayStation Ediiton itself is powered by your iPhone and is priced at USD 99.99. It will be available in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom initially. The companies clarified that it will be introduced to more countries in the future.

Read here for more information.

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Ram Ronquillo
Social Media Lead and Content Editor | Website

Ram found his love and appreciation for writing in 2015 having started in the gaming and esports sphere for GG Network. He would then transition to focus more on the world of tech which has also began his journey into learning more about this world. That said though, he still has the mentality of "as long as it works" for his personal gadgets.

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