Google I/O Event Happening On May 11-12

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Google confirmed I/O event will happen this year live from the Shoreline Amphitheater. It will be streamed live from the said venue.

Google I-O banner

Google, in a statement to Verge, said “ This year’s event will be broadcast in front of a limited live audience, and is completely free and open to everyone virtually”. The live audience will be limited to ”primarily Googlers and as well as some partners”.

Google’s yearly I/O puzzle is now live on the I/O event website alongside a countdown which may very well be connected to the said puzzle.

We can expect the I/O event to focus on Android 13 and likely other Google products like Assistant, Search, and Maps. 

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Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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