Apple has Filed a Patent for Its Automatic Transparency Mode feature on AirPods Pro

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Apple has recently submitted a patent regarding its “Interrupt for noise-canceling devices” feature which is typically known as automatic transparency mode.

The feature allows you to be able to know in advance when the Active Noise Canceling feature should be turned off. You can assign one or more pre-defined contacts that will be identified by electronic devices or through verbal commands by sound recognition or trigger words.

AirPods Pro feature

This means that when you come in contact with someone who is in your list of contacts allowed to interrupt you, your AirPods Pro will automatically switch to Transparency mode for easier communication.

Additionally, the automatic switching of modes, which you can configure, can also be triggered by important environmental sounds like police or ambulance sirens, smoke, or fire alarms.

The patent was submitted in July of 2021 so you cannot expect this feature to be implemented yet but it is only an indication of what Apple is planning to implement in their future devices. 


Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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