What tech-related things you can do at home while you’re on self-lockdown?

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Self-lockdown? Is there such a thing?

Self-quarantine and getting yourself checked are most recommended if you think you got exposed to someone infected with COVID-19 SARS-COV-2 (COVID 19 is the name of the disease). However, some people prefer stocking up some food and hygiene/health essentials and lock themselves in. (Panic buying is not the way to go. You’re just going to instigate more unnecessary fear and increase the demand for products, thereby increasing the price up.)

Covid19 7Now, let’s get to the bottom of things first. As of this writing, there are over 126,000 cases of COVID19 worldwide (more than 49 in the Philippines). The number is seen to rise in the next few days, and the end is still nowhere in sight. Clinical trials of supposed “cure” and “treatment” have begun, but it would technically take years to develop and distribute it. While the mortality rate is pretty low (1%) and mostly affects people who are already ill prior to getting infected, the old adage “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure” still fits this scenario we’re all in.

If you choose to stay at home, here are the things you can do while COVID19 scare is happening.

Do not spread fake news

Covid19 8There is nothing better than this. Read through the article or news item, and see how credible the source is before sharing it to your Facebook or Twitter feed. Think before you click!

If you wish to share and fact-check, see the following links below:

Google also took over the search result of ‘coronavirus’ keyword, and now displays the essential and filtered results. You can either type this keyword in the search bar or click this link.

Smart, Sun and TNT customers also allow free access to DOH NCOV/COVID-19 information for free. The Ncovtracker website by DOH helps people informed about the current status of COVID-19 status in the country. Go check it out here on this link.

Use available social platforms to spread ways to prevent getting infected

Covid19 9Being one of the world’s active social media users has its perks – we can get things viral. No pun intended. There are a number of ways to help other people through social media channels. Proper and fact-checked information about preventing from being infected need to be spread.

One of the most talked-about platforms recently is TikTok. Government agencies and famous personalities have been using it as a platform for information and change. We cannot stress the fact that it could be something you can also use to spread fact-checked information to its 800-million active users worldwide.

Download or Buy Digital Multiplayer Games, for now.

Covid19 10Being socially active, nowadays, do not require you to physically be with people. We have come to the point where we can “spend” time with people we love with the help of technology.

Some multiplayer games we recommend playing are the following:

  • The Division 2: This is one of the most relevant games. The Division 2 tells the story of group of people who preserve the rights of people and help look for the cure of the virus called “Green Poison”. We have been playing this game so far, and enjoying it with friends and family. You may want to check it out.
  • Modern Warfare Warzone: Battle Royale and Plunder game versions are free to play. Engage in a 150-player battle royale game with friends, inspired by the mechanics of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
  • Black Desert Mobile: A mobile reimagining of Black Desert, this game has been under our nose for months now. We love it so far, and I have been playing with friends as well. World Boss Season 2 just begun, and Pearl Abyss rolled out a few new features in the game as well.
  • Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege: If you’re into first-person shooter and you’ve got not claustrophobia, this game is simply the best you can play with friends and/or family. The base game sells for PhP300 on Steam, which I find the sweet price for a triple-A game, which you can grind to basically complete all operates without paying anything (if you really don’t mind grinding the game so much!)

Got bored kids? Give them “digital” projects!

Covid19 11I’ve got 7 and 9-year-old kids. School is temporarily suspended (until March 14, at the time of this writing), and I know they are super bored. Their screen time is limited to 30 minutes, per day and they are stuck with either doing the chores or reading some of their books. I was like them, and I understand how boring it is for them to be at home without doing “anything” that makes them excited.

When I was asked – “what can we do that is fun?”, I gave them an old digital camera, provided them a laptop with Filmora editing tool installed in it, and asked them to make “Morning News”. This is what they made so far:


Yes, this gives them extra screen time, but they thought it was fun and they felt very “productive”.

Not tech-related, but please keep this in mind too:

Do not hoard or do panic buying

Covid19 12Buy only the things you need. Go to the grocery store, and buy enough items as you normally would during grocery days. Unfortunately, some have already hoarded 70% isopropyl alcohol for them to keep or resell.

Doing this will not just destroy the economy and will impede other people’s access to their needs. Buying in bulk is understandable if you’re going to either donate or bring and sell at SRP to areas that do not have easy access to stores.

Well, you guys probably know better than I do. I would love it if you can also share your tips so some of our friends who chose to get themselves locked up won’t get really bored to their… (I’ve got to stop now).

Gian Viterbo
Founder, Chief Editor, and Sales Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Giancarlo Viterbo is a Filipino Technology Journalist, blogger and Editor of gadgetpilipinas.net, He is also a Geek, Dad and a Husband. He knows a lot about washing the dishes, doing some errands and following instructions from his boss on his day job. Follow him on twitter: @gianviterbo and @gadgetpilipinas.

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