Ghost of Tsushima release date finally confirmed for June 26

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In the midst of a quiet Thursday, just like a Ninja (or a Samurai), Sony drops a huge bomb of information on their upcoming exclusive Ghost of Tsushima. First off is a story trailer that officially confirms the release date as well, scheduled for June 26.

You can check out the newly released story trailer here:


In a post by the PlayStation Blog, the story trailer sheds light on some of the people our hero, Jin Sakai, will meet along his journey.

The first is Jin’s uncle, Shimura, the jito (lord) of Tsushima and a father figure to Jin. He’s trained Jin since childhood in the traditional ways of the samurai, and grows increasingly concerned by the tactics Jin starts to adopt as he abandons his teachings and becomes The Ghost. The second important character we’re highlighting today is Khotun Khan. The Khan is the leader of the invading Mongol army and a ruthless, cunning enemy who uses everything he knows about the samurai to try to destroy them. He’s a brutal, unrelenting adversary that Jin will quickly learn not to underestimate.

With confirmation of this release, April May and June will be JAMPACKED with heavy hitters from Sony. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, The Last of Us 2, and finally Ghost of Tsushima. To be quite honest, these are all looking like potential game of the year candidates so Sony is looking to head into the PS5 with massive momentum behind them.

Ghost of Tsushima is scheduled to release on June 26 barring any delays and will be a PlayStation exclusive.


Videogame Content Editor. A father and gamer. Would gladly trade what’s left of his soul to witness a Final Fantasy 6 and Xenogears remake done during his lifetime.

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