Far Cry 5 Review: an impressive rebound from Far Cry Primal; enjoyable to play even after 21 hours

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Special thanks to AMD Philippines for sponsoring a copy of this game.” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:center|color:%23dd3333″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeInDown”][vc_column_text]Far Cry 5 is one of the enjoyable games we played this 2018! It tried to reinvent itself without sacrificing its essence as a Far Cry game after the hoopla caused by Far Cry Primal.  I didn’t like that game, but Ubisoft obviously turned myself back to the Franchise with this latest game in the series.

Just over a month from the time I finished the game, I had the urge of going back to the fictional Hope County, Montana, and explore its vast last with cult weirdos. The story wasn’t as gripping as Far Cry 3 and 4, but man this graphics is gorgeous, and the renewed mechanics is definitely fun!

Far Cry 5 review 18Story

I don’t want to go through the details of the story as it may be too “spoilery” especially to those who haven’t finished the game. I’m neither a fan of the story and the endings, but this is something so relative for you consider as the basis for buying or not buying the game.

In a nutshell, Far Cry 5’s story is a mashup of religious fanaticism, terrorism, and bears wanting to kill innocent people. As a remote county, Hope is a place where all the “peggies”, who believe that Joseph Seed is the new godsend and liberator, live and fight for their belief. 

Far Cry 5 review 7As the last boss in the playthrough, Joseph Seed will send out his “army”, commanded by his brothers and sister: Jacob, John, and Faith. Each has his or her own specialty, and headquarters that you need to liberate in order to proceed through the mission. I started with Jacob and ended with Faith before I finally faced Joseph. However, the game will allow you to decide whom you want to deal with before you meet the last boss. Joseph, on the other hand,  is devoid of emotions, and his crazy eyes only spell narcissism and self-righteousness until the very end of the game.

Far Cry 5 review 22Its story is pale in comparison with Far Cry 5, and the villains aren’t emotionally impactful compared to Vas Montenegro. Yes, for me, Vas is still the best villain in the Far Cry series as Ubisoft succeeded in investing so much on honing and delivering the story behind his craziness.


The essence of Far Cry, which permeates throughout the game, is what makes Far Cry 5 far worth your money. Exploration, side-quests, easter eggs and replayability are few of the features that make the game stick in your game inventory until the next Far Cry comes out.

Ubisoft snuck tons of new features in the game, which ultimately make it really fun to play.


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The biggest change is the inclusion of Specialists in the game. This allows you to bring up to 2 companions in your missions. Each one has its own speciality so you have to carefully decide whom you want to tag along with you. If you’re a run and gun type, then you’ve got someone who plays a plane rigged with carpet bombs and another who has a rocket launcher. If they get injured during your escapades, you’ll temporarily lose them until their spawn period refreshes. The latter may be improved as you gain more perks points.

Perks and Challenges

Perks are actually new to the game, but Ubisoft streamlined it a bit, and make it more straightforward. Points may be received as you finish off missions and side quests, which are quite plenty. This, along with the benefit of traveling across Hope County, will grant you the points you need to get through certain pedestals and challenges in game. Yes, the game has “Challenges” too, which grants you per points and items every time you clear one.

Multiplayer – Arcade Mode

Far Cry 5 review 28

Returning to the franchise is Multiplayer, but they included another interesting sandbox multiplayer mode, which allows you to create scenarios with key criterias and publish it so everyone can play in. It’s an interesting take on encouraging players who have the knack of creating custom games and playing around with Far Cry 5’s assets.

Multiplayer with Friends

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That’s Jam, and I’m about to shoot him on the face!

I played most of the time online with my friends: Jam Ancheta of JamOnline.ph, Vincent Haoson of DAGeeks.com and Kokoi Viterbo, our co-founder. It was hella fun, and the bugs we encountered are bearable. Apart from not being able to go too far from another player – I still don’t know why they are imposing distance limit – the game’s multiplayer feature is solid and far to enjoyable to pass. As someone who finished the game, I’d be willing to help another player with his quests as I’ll be carrying over a few items I got from his instance like perk points, moolah, and consumable items.


This game should be part of your collection. Even after 21 hours of playing the game, I still find time enjoying it. I’ve got a few perks and costumes to unlock, and I don’t mind spending a few more hours playing this game.

The Season Pass, which only sells for PhP1,100, gives you additional stories, modes and even a remastered version of Far Cry 3. If you’re just new to the series, the Season pass is a must buy too not only because of Dead Living Zombies, Hours of Darkness, Lost on Marks stories but also with the extra Far Cry 3 game. The latter isn’t technically a remastered version as it’s simply a single player port of the original game, plus a few improvement notches on graphics.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Gian Viterbo
Founder, Chief Editor, and Sales Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Giancarlo Viterbo is a Filipino Technology Journalist, blogger and Editor of gadgetpilipinas.net, He is also a Geek, Dad and a Husband. He knows a lot about washing the dishes, doing some errands and following instructions from his boss on his day job. Follow him on twitter: @gianviterbo and @gadgetpilipinas.

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