Nothing Community Edition Initiative Launched

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News from Nothing CEO Carl Pei has just surfaced. They’ve just launched what they’re calling an “industry first” initiative called The Community Edition Project. This means you get to contribute to the special edition Phone (2a).

Nothing Community Edition Project: What is it?

So, what’s The Community Edition Project all about? It’s Nothing’s way of involving the community in creating their products. 

Moreover, they want your ideas for a custom edition Phone (2a). Everything from the design to wallpapers, packaging, and even how the new phone will be marketed is fair game.

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Phone 2a Review

As for the NothingOS, it is open to community contributions for software code and product development, despite potential costs and effort. They encourage collaboration with the brand’s team, aiming to bring creative ideas to life in new products.

Stay tuned for more updates and you can also check out the brand’s X (formerly Twitter) post and announcement video below.


  • When can you submit your custom ideas?
    • Rob says the submissions are being accepted now.
  • Who can submit custom ideas?
    • They are open to everyone regardless of whether you are a new or old community member.
  • How to submit your entry?
    • You can submit your idea in written form, a sketch, or as a video through this dedicated page.
  • Four stages? 
    • The process will consist of 4 stages viz. design in March, wallpaper in May, packaging in June, and marketing campaign in July.
  • Selection criteria?
    • Your idea should resonate with the brand’s team. Your personality and work ethic should fit with the team. So, tell about yourself also in the submissions you make. Once a submission period ends, the voting begins and they will be judged by an “internal Nothing panel”.
  • Duration? 
    • It will extend for 6 months.


Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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