Redmi 300W Fast Charging Unveiled

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Only four months after being the first brand to exceed the 200W mark, Redmi revealed its 300W fast-charging technology. 

The battery can be charged from 0 to 100% in under five minutes, according to the Xiaomi subsidiary, which later released a video with more information on the technology.

Redmi 300W charging

In a controlled setting, the brand used a customized Note 12 Discovery smartphone with a 4,100 mAh battery (the real model has a dual 4,300 mAh cell). The device reached 50% in 2 minutes and 11 seconds, and the battery reached 100% in just under 5 minutes.

It’s interesting to note that the smartphone briefly peaked at 290W for a few seconds before reverting to less powerful (but still impressive) charging capacities. 300W is the maximum theoretical power that the charger and battery are capable of producing, but the device caps out for safety.


Redmi claimed that while having “more than 50 safety measures” and Double GaN technology, the adapter itself still maintains a tiny size. The Xiaomi brand did not provide an ETA for the release of a real smartphone equipped with the technology.

You can view the video here


Migs Palispis
News Writer at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Started his freelancing adventure in 2018 and began doing freelance Audio Engineering work and then started freelance writing a few years later.

Currently he writes for Gadget Pilipinas and Grit.PH.

He is also a musician, foody, gamer, and PC enthusiast.

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