Microsoft at E3: Xbox One X and a Ton of New Games

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Microsoft didn’t spend a lot of time going into detail with their newest console, the Xbox One X at E3, but rather focused more in announcing a number of new and promising titles (at least by the looks of it).

Xbox One X

The new Xbox One X is basically a beefier version of the Xbox One, and will be available on November 7 with an SRP of $499.

As for the specs, it reportedly uses a CPU with 8 custom x86 cores clocked at 2.3GHz, and a GPU with 40 custom compute units, and 12GB of GDDR5 Memory.

Backward Compatibility with Original Xbox Games

The folks at Redmond also announced that they’re gearing up their backward compatibility program to include original Xbox games, which is great news for those who love to play the classics.

Some games will be updated for Xbox One X

It was also announced that Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3, Killer Instinct, Halo Wars 2 and Minecraft will all receive 4k updates to make them look better on Xbox One X for free, This goes with 30 other titles like FFXV, RE7, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and Rocket League that’ll get free Xbox One X updates.

New (and returning) Titles

Now, onto the games. There were a lot, but we’ll include some of the notable ones here:

Forza Motorsport 7 (4K, Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive)

Metro Exodus

Assassin’s Creed: Origins

PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds (4K, Console Launch Exclusive)

State of Decay 2 (Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive)

Black Desert (4K, Console launch exclusive)

The Last Night (4K, Console Launch Exclusive)

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Shadow of War


For the complete list, head on over to our source.


Emman Tortoza
Chief Editor and Content Lead at Gadget Pilipinas | Website

Emman has been writing technical and feature articles since 2010. Prior to this, he became one of the instructors at Asia Pacific College in 2008, and eventually landed a job as Business Analyst and Technical Writer at Integrated Open Source Solutions for almost 3 years.

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